Public Joint Stock Company ROSSETI Volga (formerly Public Joint Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company Volga, Open Joint Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company Volga) was registered on June 29, 2007 in the city of Saratov.
The new configuration is based on the principle of territorial connectivity and comparability of the value of the assets of distribution grid companies that are part of IDGC. It preserves the existing technological links between the RSC within the IDGC.
Since April 1, 2008, it has been functioning as a single operating company with branches: "Samara Distribution Grids"," Saratov Distribution Grids"," Ulyanovsk Distribution Grids"," Mordovenergo"," Orenburgenergo"," Penzaenergo","Chuvashenergo".
The company's activities cover 7 regions with a total area of 403.5 thousand square kilometers, where more than 12 million people live.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on June 16, 2015 approved a new version of the Company's Charter. The new version of the Charter contains a new corporate name in terms of the organizational and legal form in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The new version of the Company's Charter was registered by the MRI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 19 for the Saratov Region on 29.06.2015. The name of the Open Joint Stock Company "Interregional Distribution Network Company of the Volga" has been changed to Public Joint Stock Company "Interregional Distribution Network Company of the Volga".
Since June 2019, the Company has joined the Unified Corporate Identity Standard of the ROSSETI Group of Companies and started working under the Rosseti Volga brand.
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of IDGC of Volga PJSC on May 29, 2020 (Minutes No. 17/2020 of May 29, 2020) decided to amend the Company's Charter related to the change of the name of the Public Joint Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Volga to the Public Joint Stock Company Rosseti Volga. Amendments to the Company's Charter were registered by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 19 for the Saratov Region on August 04, 2020. The new full corporate name of the Company in Russian: Public Joint Stock Company "Rosseti Volga" (PJSC "Rosseti Volga").