PJSC Rosseti Volga has published the results of operations for 3 and 6 months of 2021 in accordance with IFRS

24 august 2021

Rossetti Volga has published consolidated financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2021 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The revenue of Rosseti Volga for the reporting period amounted to 31,404,851 thousand rubles, including from the provision of services for the transmission of electricity - 31,157,960 thousand rubles, from the provision of services for connection to the power grid - 99,154 thousand rubles and other revenue - 147,737 thousand rubles.

Data in thousands of rubles, unless otherwise specified

Indicators,% 6 months, 2020 6 months 2021 Changes,%
Revenue (total), including: 29,729,736 31,404,851 6
Electric power transmission 29,456,496 31,157,960 6
Technological connection to electric power girds 68,521 99,154 45
Other revenue 204,721 147,737 (28)
Operating expenses (29,940,517) (31,450,130) 5
Net other (expenses)/income 92,996 127,320 37
Operating income (117,783) 82,041 (170)
Profit/loss for the period (272,385) (135,614) (50)
Indicators,% December 21, 2020 June 30, 2021 Changes,%
 Total capital 38,540,798  .38,596,919   0.15
 Total assets  61,486,820 60,276,756  (2) 
 Credits and borrowings received 6,869,923   6,500,000  (5)
 Cash and cash equivalents 563,797  869,421   54

The loss compared to the same indicator of the previous period decreased by 136,771 thousand rubles.