Information about Auditor
Auditor of Rosseti Volga, PJSC: Association of Auditors (collective participant) consisting of: Leader of the collective participant: TsATR - Audit Services LLC (TIN 7709383532) (formerly Ernst & Young LLC) and Crow Audex Audit and Consulting Company LLC (TIN 1655301258) (member of the collective participant) approved by the decision of the AGM on June 16, 2023
According to the results of the tender held by PJSC Rosseti in electronic form for the right to conclude contracts for the provision of services for conducting mandatory audits of RAS reporting and audits of the reporting of PJSC Rosseti's IFRS for 2023 (minutes of the absentee meeting of the tender commission for summing up the results of 21.04.2023 No. 3/58r), the winner was the association of auditors (collective participant) consisting of:
- joint participant leader: CENTER FOR AUDIT TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS – AUDIT SERVICES LLC (formerly Ernst & Young LLC)
TIN: 7709383532
Registered office: 77 Sadovnicheskaya emb., building 1, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation.
- member of the joint participant: Crou Audex Audit Company, Audit and Consulting CompanyJSC
TIN: 7735073914
Registered office: 8, Safyan Str., Kazan, 420021, Russian Federation.
Center for Audit Technologies and Solutions – Audit Services LLC (formerly Ernst & Young LLC) has been operating in the Russian audit and consulting services market since 2002.
Center for Audit Technologies and Solutions – Audit Services LLC fully complies with the requirements of Article 8 “Independence of Audit Organizations, Auditors” of Federal Law No. 307-FZ “On Audit Activities” and the Rules for Independence of Auditors and Audit Organizations and takes all necessary relevant measures, i.a. conducts an internal audit of compliance with independence rules, which is provided for by internal procedures.
Center for Audit Technologies and Solutions – Audit Services LLC is a member of the international network of companies Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY), but is currently in the process of withdrawing from the network. During the period before signing the contract for the provision of audit services, as well as during the term of the contract, it may cease to be its member. The audit report, as well as other reports, will be issued under a new name and may not contain a trademark owned by Ernst & Young Global (EY) international network.
The order of the issuer's auditor choice:
The nominee of the auditor of the emitter is defined as a result of Competitive selection. To take part in the competition the auditing organizations were to meet the following requirements:
- not to be in the process of liquidation;
- not to have the decision concerning their activity termination, stipulated by the Code of the Russian Federation on the administrative law, on the day of the contest application consideration;
- not to have debts on accrued taxes, dues and fees and other compulsory payments to the budgets of any level to the public non-budget funds for the past calendar year, which amount outnumbers twenty five percent of the balance cost of the assets of the participant according to the accounting report data for the preceding accounting period. The participant of the placed order meets the mentioned requirement if he appeals against the presence of the abovementioned debt in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the decision concerning such an appeal for the day of the contest application consideration was not adopted;
- do not come within conditions (in relation to the Company and subsidiaries and dependent companies of Holding IDGC, JSC), enumerated in paragraph 1 of article 8 of the Federal Law as of December 30, 2008 No. 307--Federal Law "On auditor activity."
Procedure of promotion of a nominee of the auditor for the approval by the meeting of shareholders, including, the controls, making the corresponding decision.
By results of Competitive selection the Board of directors of the Company recommends a corresponding nominee of the auditor for the approval by the General meeting of shareholders of the Company.
The auditor of the emitter carries out check of financial and economic activity of the emitter in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of the contract concluded with it.
The amount of payment for the Auditor service, approved by the Annual general meeting of shareholders for the mandatory annual check-up and the approval of the annual financial reporting of the issuer, id determined and approved by the Company's Board of Directors in accordance with paragraph 24.9 of article 24 and subparagraph 14, paragraph 15.1 of Article 15 of the Company's Charter.