Shishigin, Igor Nikolaevich
Year of birth: 1979
Citizenship: Russian Federation
Education: University Degree
- Kuban State Agrarian University, 2007 ;
- Non-state educational private institution of higher professional education "Moscow New Institute,"2013 ;
- Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman, Occupational retraining, 2016
Positions held in the Company and other organizations over the past 5 years and currently in chronological order:
September, 2023 - till present: Deputy General director - chief engineer of Rosseti Volga, PJSC
May, 2023 - till present: Acting Deputy General director- chief engineer, Deputy Head of the Department of Technical Re-equipment and Reconstruction, Maintenance and Repair of Power Grid Facilities of RossetiVolga, PJSC
December, 2020 – May, 2023: Deputy Director for Electrical Networks Audit, UES Technical Inspection JSC.
March, 2017 – October, 2020: DepuGeneral director– Chief engineerof Kubanenergo, JSC (Since 2020 - Rosseti Kuban, PJSC).
Participatory interest in the authorized capital of the Company: 0.0%
Participatory interest of such person in the authorized (share) capital (share fund) of subsidiaries and affiliates of the Issuer: 0.000%
Character of any family ties with other persons being members of the Issuer's management bodies and/or bodies engaged in control of the Issuer's financial and business activity: No