Rosseti Volga published its consolidated financial statements for the 3 months ended 31 March 2022 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The revenue of Rosseti Volga for the reporting period amounted to 16,825,313 thousand rubles, including 16,689,151 thousand rubles from the provision of electricity transmission services, 48,396 thousand rubles from technological connection to power grids and 87,766 thousand rubles from other revenue.
Data in thousand rubles, unless otherwise indicated
Indicators |
3 months of 2021 |
3 months of 2022 |
% of changes |
Revenue (total), including: |
16, 825,313 |
1.13 |
Electric power transmission |
16,689,151 |
1.00 |
Technologica; connection to electric power grids |
48,396 |
-8.46 |
Other revenue |
87,766 |
45.97 |
Operating expenses |
(16,996,709) |
3.94 |
Accrual (recovery) of provision for expected credit losses |
21,528 |
-21.7 |
Net other (expenses )/income |
99,674 |
123.13 |
Operating income/( loss) |
(50,194) |
-114.07 |
Profit/( loss) for the period |
(202,712) |
-178.06 |
Profit compared to the same indicator of the previous period decreased by 462,402 thousand rubles.
The consolidated statements of the Company can be found on the website: