Information about business activity

Rosseti Volga, PJSC carries out its activity directed to the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of electric power industry, conditions creation for the effective work of the distribution grid complex of the region, realization of the effective operation and centralized technological management of power grid objects, implementation of the uniform strategy in the field of investments and capital attraction for the solution of the system-wide issues of the distribution grid complex development, design and realization of scientific and technical policy and introduction of new progressive kinds of technology.
According to paragraph 3.2. of article 3 of the Charter of IDGC of Volga, JSC the main kinds of the issuer's activity, having the priority value for the whole period of Company's life are:
- services rendering directed to electric power transmission;
- operationly-technological management;
- services rendering directed to technological connection of power receivers (power installations) of legal and physical persons to power grids.